The Organizations in Sri Lanka in the Application of the Code of ethic and conduct The introduction of the Code of Conduct and the Self-Assessment tool to the NGO community in Sri Lanka will be guided and assisted by instituting a mechanism and process to ensure its application and practice by the Non–Governmental Voluntary Service Organizations. The institutional mechanism as stated in the COC will consist of an Accreditation Council set up by the General Assembly of the NGO community and will function under the executive committee appointed by the General Assembly. The council will have 7 members (Representing gender and ethnicity) appointed by the executive committee and approved by the General Assembly. They should have the following qualification and experience.

  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in the field of voluntary services and have a good knowledge about NGOs, their diversity, their impact on the society and the laws relating to Voluntary Service Organizations.
  • A high level ethical and moral standard, including honesty and integrity, respect for others and be able to provide ‘frank and fearless’ advice.
  • Being accountable for self and to colleagues.
  • Be sensitive to different cultures and opinions.
  • Be able to communicate effectively and to serve voluntarily on the council. Once appointed, a member is expected to serve on the council for 3 years from the date of appointment unless,
  • He or she resigns from the post by giving one-month notice.
  • Incapacitated to function due to ill health and other matters.

In such a case the council has the power to nominate replacements.

The roles and responsibilities of the Council

The objective of setting up the Accreditation Council is to enroll and certify the NGOs in adopting the ethics and best practices for the NGOs to be able to increase confidence among public, manage their organizations well and deliver quality development outcomes for their clientele. The roles and responsibilities of the Accreditation Council shall be as follows. In order to perform these roles and responsibilities, SLCDF and NNAF will appoint a secretary to the Council.

1.            Develop self and collective understanding of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Self -Assessment Tool and set up procedures as follows for compliance by the Non-Governmental Voluntary Service Organizations.

  • I.             Set structure and working rules for the operation of the Accreditation Council including working in both languages.
  • II.           Initiate groundwork for registration of Non-profit, Non-Governmental Voluntary Service Organizations willing to register for accreditation viz. designing a registration form and familiarize with the website initiated for this purpose.
  •  III.         Accept, review and enlist organizations willing to get accredited and certified and maintain proper records. Notify organizations of their registration.
  • IV.         Enlist district assessors (3 from a district, 18 districts) recruited for the purpose of accreditation at district level and develop acquaintance with them. Involve in their training.
  • V.           Accept and review Self-Assessment Tools sent by organizations through post or online. In this regard the Accreditation Council has following options.
  • a.)          If there are major gaps/shortcomings, send the Assessment Tool to the respective organizations with comments and areas for improvement. A copy of this should be sent to the district assessors for their information and support.
  • b.)          If there are minor gaps and deficiencies, refer the assessment tool to district assessors for helping them to rectify the shortcomings. Once they have rectified the shortcomings, then the district assessor should review it in the first place and if he/she is satisfied, send the assessment tool with his/her recommendation to the Accreditation Council.
  • VI.          The Accreditation Council upon receipt of Self-Assessment Tools that are complete and qualified shall offer the compliance certificate to the organization with validity for one year. (A certificate will have to be designed) The Accreditation Council may charge a fee for offering of the certificate. The organization will have to apply in the second year for certification and the Accreditation Council upon receipt of comments by the assessors will offer the certificate or defer it until shortcomings are rectified if any. Thereafter the compliance certificate will be issued every 2 years upon submission of the Self-Assessment Tool. (Since this is a pilot initiative and NGOs are subjected to go through changes it, is not advisable to issue long term certificates)
  • VII.         The organizations may appeal for reconsideration of issuing compliance certificates. In such circumstances, the council shall review their appeals and get the comments of district assessors and do the needful. (Prepare quarterly, half yearly and yearly reports of the progress made with regard to accreditation and certification)
  1.  Prepare communication materials on accreditation and certification.
  2. Obtain legal status for awarding of COC certification from the respective authorities.
  3. Inform respective authorities’ i.e. the NGO secretariat of this initiative of introducing the COC, Self-Assessment Tool and accreditation and certification.
  4. Propagate this among INGOs, national NGOs.